By: Johnica Morrow (& a little bit by Airicca)
Hey there Cedar Point lovers! The snow is melting and the dust is flying as some preliminary steps are being taken to prepare CPBS for summer sessions that will be starting before you know it! There has been lots of spring cleaning and gearing up going on here at the station over the break.
As the station's prep-TA (though I'm not on the payroll at the moment), I have put the final touches on organizing the storage room (which has a shiny new keypad entry so that inventory doesn't walk off anymore) and preparing the lab spaces for classes. Used chemical bottles have made their way out of your way as students and instructors. You'll also find that chemicals will be much easier to access once we move them from that dank wooden closet into our nice, clean, well-labeled cabinets in the storage room!
The library is also seeing changes come summer. We have new-to-us tables, chairs, books, and shelves. We have also rearranged the computer areas to give the space a more lounge-like feel...which includes having two couches and additional desk space. Additionally, we have a second projector screen and a new-to-us projector for hosting our weekly seminar series throughout the summer! Seminar topics and speakers are TBA at the moment, but come back to our blog for updates as they arise! (Speaking of, any instructors, visiting researchers, or even students
who would like to give a seminar this summer, please contact me at, if you don't contact me, you can
be sure I'll be contacting you!) We are also thinking of possibly screening a few movies in the library this summer...more information to come later!
Are you a hiker at heart? This next bit is for you! We've spent some time over the break doing trail work around the station. Before long, we hope to have trails marked and eventually mapped so that you can enjoy a hike down the Alligator Canyon Trail where you can stop to admire the formations at Geology Site 1 and Geology Site 3. Before long, the Skull Canyon Trail and other beloved hiking grounds will be ready for you to experience as part of CPBS life this summer.
Our kitchen is also gearing up. A long-forgotten attic storage space above the kitchen has been explored to reveal new wonders! The space has been optimized to house things that we now know we are housing. A few crates of glass plates have been found that will be available for students who wish to use the microwave in the lodge without warping or shattering our plastic plates! (Fancy, ehh?) We've also found some glasses that will be available for events like conferences rather than using our plastic tumblers. These glasses range from small juice glasses, to larger drinking glasses with pretty patterns. On the flip-side of fancy, we've also come across more plastic mugs if anyone would prefer those to the ceramic mugs typically available. We've also found various pieces of equipment that will be super-useful for our kitchen staff though students may not notice.
Speaking of staff, we are excited to have a full kitchen staff of eager interns from UNL's Hospitality, Restaurant, and Tourism Management department coming to feed us this summer! Each intern was chosen for their unique personalities and professional experiences to bring together a diverse group of individuals. These individuals will not only have the benefit of earning internship hours, we (students, faculty, staff, and researchers) will have the benefit of having them here learning their preferred trade and (best of all) experimenting with new, yummy recipes! Get ready for healthier-than-expected and non-traditional meals at all times of the days (perhaps with a few "comfort" meals thrown in)! And maybe some crazy antics. *wink* Please be sure to note any sensitivities or allergies you have. The kitchen can't know what you don't tell us!
You will also notice a new turtle enclosure setup that can be observed from Goodall Lodge. Dr. Gwen Bachman and several of her students spent several days building a beautiful enclosure for keeping the box turtles that are not only a part of her research, but that are also important model organisms for her Comparative Physiology course that will be taught here at CPBS during 3rd session (June 29th-July 18th).
Though the first day here over the break was non-stop snow, the sun is finally shining and things are beginning to stretch out and emerge from their winter sleep. It won't be long before this whole place is abuzz with vibrant life, both human and non-human. We can't wait to see what this summer will bring!
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