This blog has posts contributed by a variety of Cedar Pointians spanning a diversity of ages, genders, and backgrounds. Posts are contributed by students, faculty, and researchers. Contributor biographies are listed below.
List of Contributing Authors
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Johnica is a student working on a doctor of philosophy degree in applied ecology with world-renowned archaeoparasitologist, Dr. Karl Reinhard. She currently studies in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She received her bachelor's of science in organismal biology with a second major in history from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. She received her masters degree from the same institution before moving to Lincoln, Nebraska to start her PhD program. She has been working as a TA/Assistant to the Associate Director at CPBS since early May of 2013. She is a great lover of biology and enjoys writing blogs, poetry, novels, and e-books in her spare time.
JON GARBISCH, B.S.-Geology, B.S.-Anthropology, M.S.
School of Biological Sciences
Associate Director of CPBS
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Jon graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with two bachelors of science degrees: one in geology and one in anthropology. As a graduate student at Mississippi State University, he spent much of his time volunteering in a collections facility. His thesis work included stratigraphy of middle Pennsylvanian-age rocks in the Warrior Basin of Alabama. Upon graduating, he began work at the University of Kansas on cyclothems in upper Pennsylvanian-age rocks. He left graduate school when the opportunity to work at a field station in the Bahamas arose. He worked at what is now the Gerace Field Station in San Salvador Island, Bahamas for 2 years. For the next two years, he worked for an oil company in Dallas, Texas. Afterward, he worked for the University of Georgia Marine Institute on Sapelo Island for 12 years before coming to University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Today, he works as the Associate Director for Cedar Point right here in rural Ogallala. Jon is the go-to guy for questions about the geology, history, and day-to-day operations of the station. When he's not answering questions, he enjoys walking his dog, Roxy, and working on any of his numerous side projects.
Department of Biology
Sam Houston State University
Linden is a student working on a bachelors of science in biology from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. During the school year, she works in the lab of Dr. Tammy Cook and as a curator in the Texas Research Institute for Environmental Sciences. She is working at CPBS for the summer as an intern for Dr. John Janovy. For her internship, Linden is performing experimental infections of gregarine parasites in damselflies. She plans to graduate in May of 2014 and pursue a master's degree while conducting research in the area of nematode taxonomy. She is also a student member of the marketing committee for the American Society of Parasitologist. As a new member to this committee, Linden has created the ASP tumbler page, which can be found
here. When she's not doing exciting parasite research, she entertains herself by destroying other players in League of Legends (and online multi-player strategy game).
Professor Emeritus
School of Biological Sciences
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Dr. John Janovy, Jr. is a retired parasitologist hailing from the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma. At this university, he earned his bachelors of science in math followed by a masters of science and a doctorate of philosophy both in zoology. After receiving his PhD, Dr. Janovy did a post-doc in New Jersey. In 1966, he became an assistant professor of zoology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which began a long and prosperous career. He as played the role of advisor and mentor to 32 graduate students and approximately 50 undergraduate researchers (10 of which were Howard Hughes scholars). He was and continues to be an active member of professional societies, such as the American Society of Parasitologists (where he is currently serving as the organization's president). He has received numerous honors and awards for teaching and for his work as a parasitologist. He is highly published both in terms of scientific papers and in terms of books including both works of non-fiction and novels. He served as the director of CPBS from 1979-1986 and again from 1993-1999. Though retired, he is still has a strong presence here at Cedar Point and continues to conduct research in the field of parasitology. To learn more about Dr. Janovy, visit his website:
Kitchen Manager
School of Biological Sciences
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Texas native with a degree in organismal biology and a love for food, Airicca found her way onto the Cedar Point staff because of Mrs. J. Morrow when she moved to Nebraska in August. She is a baker by trade, but loves everything edible. Her favorite pastimes include baking, hiking, reading, finding new music, and playing video games. Her kitchen will be full of music and odd creations that the students may find interestingly amazing or epically horrible (both are definitely possible). She is also working on an on-line bibliography of all papers ever published about research done at Cedar Point and ways to make the station more self-sustaining (like having our own garden!!).
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